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Faux message SMS iPhone


Cette application vous permet d’afficher un faux message sur votre iPhone. Chaque fois que quelqu’un envoie ou reçoit un message sur votre iPhone, il sera affiché sur un fond vert ou gris. Vous pouvez écrire un faux message et appuyer sur le bouton de l’appareil photo de votre iPhone pour le voir. Vous pouvez également utiliser cette application sur votre iPod touch ou iPad.

Messages texte indésirables

Si vous avez un iPhone, vous avez probablement rencontré le problème ennuyeux des messages texte indésirables. Bien que ce problème existe depuis un certain temps, il s’est aggravé à mesure que les spammeurs sont devenus plus sophistiqués. Ils utilisent maintenant des astuces comme usurper le numéro de téléphone ou l’indicatif régional. Ces spammeurs peuvent être très ennuyeux, mais la bonne nouvelle est qu’il existe des moyens de les combattre.

La première chose que vous pouvez faire est de signaler tout message que vous trouvez suspect. Vous pouvez le faire en maintenant un message et en faisant défiler vers le bas du message. Ensuite, cliquez sur “Signaler un courrier indésirable”, ce qui signalera les informations de l’expéditeur à Apple. Une fois que vous avez signalé un spam, l’expéditeur cessera de vous envoyer des messages. Vous pouvez également bloquer certains numéros afin qu’ils ne puissent plus vous envoyer de messages à l’avenir.

Une autre option consiste à signaler les spams à votre opérateur téléphonique. La plupart des opérateurs fournissent des ressources pour vous aider à signaler et à bloquer les spams. En plus de signaler les spams, vous pouvez également bloquer les spams sur votre iPhone. En bloquant les spammeurs, vous pouvez aider les autres en limitant le nombre de spams qu’ils reçoivent. Vous pouvez également signaler tout spam à la Federal Trade Commission.

Les messages texte indésirables peuvent être très ennuyeux et peuvent même vous exposer au vol d’identité, aux infections par des logiciels malveillants et à des informations personnelles. De plus, ils sont illégaux. Si vous recevez un message d’un numéro inconnu, vous devez bloquer le numéro et vous pouvez désactiver les notifications de réception de tels messages. Cela garantira que vous ne recevrez plus jamais les messages.

Si vous souhaitez signaler un spam à votre fournisseur, vous pouvez envoyer un SMS au 7726 avec le mot SPAM. Cela fonctionne pour AT&T, Verizon Wireless et T-Mobile. Votre fournisseur de services téléphoniques devrait bloquer les futurs messages de ce numéro. Il est peu probable que les spammeurs arrêtent d’envoyer de tels messages, mais vous pouvez aider les autres en signalant le spam.

Bien que certains de ces messages puissent sembler être des communications légitimes d’une entreprise réputée, ils contiennent des liens malveillants et d’autres formes de logiciels malveillants. De plus, ils peuvent être accompagnés d’un appel téléphonique. Les escrocs peuvent se déguiser en représentants du service client et essayer de vous inciter à fournir des informations sensibles. Si vous avez des doutes, appelez directement l’entreprise ou par une autre méthode.

Il existe également des moyens d’empêcher les messages texte de spam d’atteindre votre iPhone. Vous pouvez bloquer les expéditeurs persistants en utilisant la fonction “Bloquer cet appelant” dans iOS. Recherchez l’option “Bloquer cet appelant” en bas de l’écran. Si vous trouvez des messages texte indésirables qui semblent suspects, transférez-les à votre fournisseur de services Verizon pour une enquête plus approfondie.

Une autre façon de lutter contre les messages texte indésirables sur iPhone consiste à créer un raccourci. Un raccourci peut être créé dans le menu de l’application Raccourcis. Vous pouvez ensuite personnaliser ce raccourci pour envoyer tout type de message texte.

Faux SMS

Les faux messages texte pour iPhone sont un outil puissant qui vous permet de publier de faux messages sur le téléphone d’un destinataire. Vous pouvez utiliser l’outil pour envoyer et recevoir de faux messages et également modifier le nom de l’expéditeur, la couleur de la bulle de message et d’autres informations. Le logiciel a une interface simple et conviviale et est livré avec de courtes instructions. Vous tapez simplement un faux message et cliquez sur envoyer ou recevoir. Une fois que vous avez fini de créer votre faux message texte, le programme vous donnera la possibilité de choisir le nom, la photo de profil et le statut du destinataire.

Habituellement, le faux message comprend un lien ou une demande de saisie de vos informations personnelles. Ces messages texte sont souvent envoyés par des escrocs pour inciter les consommateurs à divulguer leurs informations personnelles. Si vous recevez l’un de ces SMS, vous devrez bloquer le numéro de l’expéditeur et ne jamais communiquer avec l’expéditeur. Aussi, ne cliquez jamais sur les liens et ne répondez jamais au message. Si vous n’êtes pas sûr, vous devez appeler l’entreprise et lui faire savoir que le message est faux.

Les faux messages texte pour faux message sms iphone sont courants et facilement corrigés en modifiant les paramètres de votre mobile. Ce problème peut affecter n’importe quelle version de l’iPhone et a des solutions à long terme et à court terme. Pour corriger les faux messages, désactivez d’abord l’option iMessage et attendez plusieurs minutes. Cela permettra à votre iPhone de vérifier vos paramètres SMS.

Lorsque vous recevez un SMS frauduleux, il semble qu’il provienne d’un ami ou d’un membre de la famille. Il contiendra souvent un lien raccourci ou brouillé. Le message sera écrit avec un sentiment d’urgence. Il peut vous demander d’envoyer de l’argent à l’IRS ou de payer un abonnement auquel vous n’avez jamais souscrit. Il peut également contenir des erreurs de grammaire étranges ou promettre une récompense en échange de votre réponse.

Les faux messages texte pour les applications iPhone vous permettent de télécharger vos propres photos et images pour simuler de vrais messages texte. Vous pouvez même sélectionner le statut des faux messages et les partager via les réseaux sociaux. Vous pouvez utiliser ces outils pour vous moquer de quelqu’un ou le tromper en lui faisant croire que vous lui avez envoyé un vrai message.

Les faux messages texte pour les applications iPhone sont également livrés avec de nombreuses options de personnalisation, vous pouvez donc personnaliser l’application. Les meilleures fausses applications de messagerie texte pour iPhone vous permettent également de créer des conversations fictives avec un nombre illimité de destinataires. Vous pouvez également créer un appel téléphonique avec le faux numéro. Toutes ces fonctionnalités font des faux textes pour iPhone un moyen simple et amusant de divertir les autres.

Un bon moyen de signaler de faux messages sur iPhone est d’aller dans le menu Paramètres. Basculer le filtre des expéditeurs inconnus vous permettra de signaler les spams et les messages frauduleux à Apple. À l’aide du menu Paramètres, accédez à Messages. Ensuite, cliquez sur “Expéditeurs inconnus” pour signaler les spams. Cela enverra le contenu et les informations de l’expéditeur à Apple.

Signaler des SMS indésirables
Si vous avez reçu des messages indésirables sur votre iPhone ou iPad, vous vous êtes peut-être demandé comment les signaler. Vous pouvez le faire en quelques étapes simples. Tout d’abord, accédez au message que vous souhaitez signaler, puis appuyez sur l’option bleue Signaler un courrier indésirable sous le message. Alternativement, sur l’iPad, vous pouvez sélectionner Supprimer et signaler les indésirables dans le menu contextuel.

Le filtrage des messages est un autre moyen de signaler les messages indésirables. Pour activer cette fonctionnalité, accédez à Paramètres > Filtrage des messages. Assurez-vous que la bascule vers “Filtrer les expéditeurs inconnus” est activée. Cela vous permettra de signaler les spams sans avoir à ouvrir l’application. Une fois le message signalé, Apple recevra les informations de l’expéditeur et prendra les mesures appropriées. Vous pouvez également signaler manuellement les SMS frauduleux en les supprimant de l’appareil ou en bloquant le numéro.

Le signalement des messages SMS indésirables sur l’iPhone est également disponible dans iOS 16. Si vous recevez un message indésirable sur votre iPhone, vous pouvez le signaler à Apple ou à votre fournisseur de réseau. La fonctionnalité sera disponible dans iOS 16 beta 2 pour les développeurs et devrait être disponible pour le public plus tard ce mois-ci. Cependant, vous devez savoir qu’Apple ne déploiera cette fonctionnalité que pour certains opérateurs.

Homesteading for the future


Homesteader the word conjures up the thoughts of living in a little rustic cabin without electricity or indoor plumbing. Having to hunt for your meals and struggling to make a living. Well at some point and time this may have been an accurate description now a days the meaning of homesteader brings to mind a whole different idea.

The fact of the matter is that many many of us are already homesteaders, we are urban homesteaders because of want or need we have as a society turned ourselves into homesteaders. We have tried to become more self sufficient and to do for ourselves instead of relying on others to do for us. This new spirit of doing for ourselves is partially due to economic conditions, partially due to a need to provide our selves with the confidence that we are able to take care of our basic needs and not be dependent. I truly believe that we have all had this deep within us and it has been in more recent years all right to become a do it yourself-er.

When you are collecting and using coupons or switching to more energy efficient appliance or fuel saving automobiles you are trying to cut back and conserve these are all basic tenements of homesteading. We are trying to conserve our cash and trying to do things that we have not done before in the quest to be more reliant on ourselves. So in some sense most of us who live in cities and towns are urban homesteaders of sorts. If you grow vegetables and then preserving some of them in cans with Canning Lids  you are practicing urban homesteading. If you opt to build a new shed in the back yard from scratch or a kit you are practicing urban homesteading

To what extent and how much time and effort you want to put into this is totally up to you. It is hard to sometimes describe what you receive in return and to make a one size fits all description. If you were to sit back and think of some of the things that you may have done that have saved you money or made you proud that you could use your hands to build or create something and the feeling of accomplishment you felt. Well that maybe one way to describe being an urban homesteader.

What I think really is important if you want to be an urban homesteader is that you decide what you are willing to invest of yourself. The amount of passion that it stirs will to some extent dictate how much you will even want to do. I like to think that we are all capable of being good stewards of the earth and have a basic sense of caring for our families and communities and work towards enhancing both. This is what I feel is a good representation.

The Best Ice Makers Countertop


Several countertop ice makers exist on the market. There are the Silonn, Crownful, Silonn, and hOmeLabs, to name a few  Each ice makers countertop is designed to produce perfectly bullet-shaped ice cubes. In addition to being small and convenient, they don’t need plumbing and can be placed almost anywhere there is an electrical outlet.


A countertop Igloo ice maker is a good choice for people who don’t want to deal with ice trays. This countertop unit uses a reservoir of water that’s stored in a pull-out drawer for easy access. Once you’ve created a batch of ice, the unit automatically stops making ice until the reservoir is empty.

Another advantage of an Igloo ice maker is its compact design and easy to use controls. It features an LED display and low power consumption. It also has a 3 quart water tank and in-built ice storage bin. This ice maker produces clean ice in about seven minutes. Its total ice storage capacity is 26 pounds and its ice basket holds up to 2 pounds of ice. A transparent hood provides an easy view of the ice inside.

Another advantage to an Igloo countertop ice maker is its portability. It can be easily transported to any place and can make up to 26 pounds of ice in 24 hours. Another benefit is that the unit does not require any plumbing and is very easy to use anywhere with an electrical outlet.

A countertop ice maker is also useful for those who are traveling or living in an apartment. It can replace a slow freezer and provide fresh cubes at any time. It can also be taken on camping trips, tailgating, and RV trips, where it is important to keep cool. It’s also a great choice for homes of all sizes.


The Silonn ice maker takes approximately 7 minutes to create nine bullet-shaped ice cubes. It requires approximately 2L of water to operate, and can produce up to 26 pounds of ice in a day. It comes with 5 ice bags that are 1.4 mil thick and easy to close. Each bag holds up to 8 pounds of ice, and they are great for storing in the freezer until you are ready to use them.

It has an auto-cleaning feature and an LCD screen, which displays the time and mode of operation. You can choose between making thin, medium, or thick ice cubes, and the countertop ice maker will also alert you when the water level is low. This means that you won’t have to keep filling the machine with water.

The Silonn ice maker is easy to use, and you can use it wherever there is an electrical outlet. It produces bullet-shaped ice every six minutes, and is compact enough to fit under a standard kitchen cabinet. The ice maker uses a 2-liter water reservoir and can produce nine cubes every six minutes.

It is easy to use and has a low noise level. It has a transparent lid, which means you can monitor the ice capacity easily. The machine also has a sensor that stops ice production once it reaches its maximum capacity. You can even take it with you. The ice maker has an indicator light that turns on when water is low or full.


If you’re a party planner, you’ll love the convenience of a CROWNFUL ice makers countertop. With its compact design and energy-efficient cooling system, you can make 9 ice cubes in as little as 8 minutes! The ice maker is also easy to operate, with an intuitive one-button design. It also has a feature that lets you know when your ice is ready.

Unlike refrigerators, countertop ice makers use a reservoir to store water and churn out ice on a regular basis. Because they use a reservoir, you don’t have to worry about running out of water and connecting to a plumbing system. Most countertop ice makers use filtered water to reduce mineral deposits.


hOmeLabs makes commercial ice makers that produce 45 square ice cubes in eleven to twenty minutes. The machine is also capable of producing up to 99 pounds of ice in 24 hours and can store up to 29 pounds of ice per cycle. The unit is portable and freestanding and is easy to install. It has a 1.2-liter water tank that can be connected to a water source.

The hOmeLabs ice makers are small, portable, and have a high capacity. They produce up to 26 pounds of ice per day and are available in a variety of colors. These models are perfect for outdoor entertaining or RV use. They come with a scoop and bucket to easily scoop out the ice.

Another important feature of an ice maker countertop is the fact that it has a self-cleaning function. To clean it, you simply need to add a cleaning solution. There are two types of ice to choose from: bullet ice and cube ice. Bullet ice has a unique shape that is not easy to stick together or melt. This feature makes bullet ice ideal for cooling drinks and food.

Video Production Companies in Perth


There are a number of companies in Perth that specialize in video production. Some of these include Reflex Films, Limitless Studios, Solo Films, and Imaginary creatures. These video production companies offer a range of services. Whether you need your Video Production Perth for promotional purposes or are looking for a corporate video to showcase your new product or service, there is a company in Perth that can help you get the results you want.

Limitless Studios

Limitless Studios is a full-service video production company located in Perth, Western Australia. They specialize in cinematic content creation, TV commercials and corporate videos. The company has a team of passionate filmmakers, including in-house producers, directors, DOPs and VFX artists. Their studio is equipped with high-tech equipment, allowing them to deliver the best video production experience possible.

The studio has years of experience in video production, creating award-winning corporate and promotional videos. It also produces viral videos, television commercials and animation. The quality of their videos is exceptional, and their services are cost-effective. They offer a range of services, including voiceovers and post-production.

The Perth studio is equipped to handle any size or type of project. The company specializes in television commercials, animation, website videos, social media content, corporate videos, and training videos. Their team has extensive experience in all types of video production and can offer you advice on how to best market your content with a video.

Solo Films

Solo Films is a video production company in Perth that offers comprehensive production services. This team of creative professionals has over 30 years of combined experience and has helped hundreds of companies produce award-winning corporate videos. They are well-known for delivering quality content at a cost-effective price. The team consists of award-winning directors and producers who know what makes a successful video, and can work with any budget.

They produce a range of visual content, from cinematic and virtual reality to advertising campaigns, TV commercials, and web content. Their services include the creation of corporate, event, and promotional videos for businesses, as well as animated and educational content for children. Some of their previous projects have been posted on Facebook.

Imaginary creatures

Imaginary creatures is a video production Perth company that creates all forms of visual content including animations, promotional videos, virtual reality, photographic stills, and content for web, cinema, and television. Their work has been featured on television and at exhibitions throughout the world. Imaginary creatures has created thousands of projects for businesses and organizations.

Their work has received recognition from local businesses, and they have thousands of positive reviews online. Their team consists of in-house producers, directors, DOPs, and VFX artists, who are all passionate about creating unique, memorable videos for their clients. They offer a full service video production experience for any kind of production, from corporate videos to viral videos.

Sunburnt Films

Sunburnt Films is a video production company based in Perth. It’s a locally owned company that employs local film-makers with over 15 years of experience. They can take your vision and turn it into a beautiful, cinematic film. Whether you’re looking for a corporate video for your business, a wedding, or any other special event, Sunburnt Films can make it happen.

Sunburnt Films has been in business for over a decade, and their international experience in filmmaking allows them to create your video faster than any of their competitors. This means you’ll get your video produced in half the time, without compromising quality. Plus, Sunburnt Films’ affordable rates will accommodate any budget. In addition to offering affordable video production, their team can also create unique videos that cater to your brand.

OOTB Video Productions

A creative video production strategy can be a great way to reach your target audience. Video production Perth services can help you craft key messages to reach your audience in a variety of ways, including digital production, digital delivery, and brand integration strategies. Regardless of your company’s budget, a video can make an important impact on your brand’s image and marketing efforts.

OOTB Video Productions video production Perth offers a variety of services, including corporate video production, viral videos, and television commercials. Its award-winning team of video directors and producers will help you produce a video that engages your audience. Some of the services they offer include script writing, filming, voiceover recording, and marketing strategy.

The company is an audio visual consultant and video production company located in Fremantle, Western Australia. Their team includes experienced video production, directors, DPs, and VFX artists. The team will work with you to create a video that reflects your business and reflects your vision.

Mantis Productions

Mantis Productions is a video production company that specialises in wedding, corporate and event videography. They offer a comprehensive service that ensures a beautiful cinematic video and quality editing. Each video is individually tailored to the client’s requirements, ensuring that every last detail is captured on film.

The company’s video production Perth team includes filmmaker Steve McLean. He has completed a Master of Professional Communications (Screen) degree with a specialization in cinematography at the WA Screen Academy. He has worked on numerous film projects including weddings and corporate events. Steve’s style is dynamic, adaptable, and focused on subtle camera movements.

Dogs are a great friend to man


Dogs are a great friend to man due to their love and affection. This statement really is true. If you care for your dog properly, you can have a great and long-lasting relationship with him. The following tips will prove beneficial to you.

It is important to puppy-proof your home. Prior to bringing the pooch home, check that the whole home is safe. Hide cleaning supplies and medicines and hide trashcans in a cabinet. Since some plants are very harmful because of their toxicity, it’s best to get rid of them or put them in an area that the dog cannot get to.

When you take your dog on vacation with you, get a snapshot of them for your phone. Therefore, if your animals get lost, there is a recent photo that can be used for the purpose of locating them.

Do not fall prey to the temptation to feed table scraps to your dog. Feeding a dog from the table only reinforces begging. The dog will also be less likely to eat its normal food. Giving your dog table scraps isn’t good for his health as it could result in weight gain and digestive problems. If you spend the time to train your dog to spend mealtimes well removed from the table, there won’t be any scrap-feeding temptations to worry about.

It’s a good idea to have your regular dog training sessions in your own yard or at home. You do not want to train your dog around a bunch of people. They are going to become distracted, and the easiest commands can be tough.

If your dog must be outside, build him a house. Adverse weather conditions can be detrimental to your pooch, causing illnesses, anxiety and poor behaviors. Give him a place that has dry floors and a lot of room.

When you first notice behavior problems in your dog, take proper steps to correct the behavior. If you ignore it, you are going to make the problem harder to contain, and you aren’t sure what the result of bad behavior will ultimately be. The dog may harm somebody, even you, so control them.

Do not allow your dog to remain outdoors all day long. You may see this on TV or in movies, but that doesn’t make it right. A dog by himself tends to be lonely and not motivated to do anything. It’s especially important that your dog be inside if the weather outside is nasty.

If you want to something to remind you of your dog get custom pet gifts for owners

When you are nibbling on a snack, you might be tempted to let your dog have a taste. You can do this with some foods, but not all. Dogs are not able to tolerate grapes, chocolate and anything with caffeine, for instance. These food items can seriously harm your dog.

When you’re training, experiment using various reward systems. Try to figure out what your dog needs to do good. If food is what drives your dog, use small, hot dog pieces as reward. If you have a dog that loves toys, play a game with them quickly after they do something you trained them to do. Certain dogs just need love and affection whenever they behave.

Be a firm person towards your pet. Dog owners may feel that they can let their dog destroy toys or that it’s okay for them to eat table scraps. This is especially the case with a very cute dog! But, if you stay firm, you can avoid accidents. In this way, your dog will always know what to expect, and you will not be surprised by unacceptable behaviors.

A pet dog can be very rewarding. The more knowledge you have, the better your relationship can be. You ought to have gained lots of tips from this piece that can be put to use for the benefit of your dog. It is time to get the best friend you’ve wanted for awhile.

how to rent a video camera


There’s just something special about having a motion picture of an event with noise if you like, so that you get the complete image of what was going on, and not simply

an picture.Your digital camera does allow you to choose between a whole memory card loaded with photos, or a couple of minutes worth of video. Very little of a choice. However you can’t manage to drop the price of a camera, no matter how important the upcoming occasion is. So why not consider a digital camera leasing?

Digital video cams now produce videos of such high quality that you can make numerous videos. Among the huge appeals of the digital video camera leasing is that for the rate of one rental you can supply all the visitors with a treasured memory of the day.

The best method to make sure that your digital camera leasing will supply the best possible copies is to ask the associate at the rental shop to demonstrate the resolution with which each camera records, by seeing a sample of recordings done by each of their different digital video camera leasings. Even the weakest of their digital camera rentals will be light years ahead of your old house movies, however there’s no point in settling for anything less than the very best you can get.

Editing Your Video

In order to make copies of your master digital video recording, you’ll require access to a PC on which you can conserve the master and make copies. Conserve the master recording as it was when you uploaded it from the digital video cam rental.

The possibilities of your having the essential software, since you don’t own a digital camera, aren’t high. Do not let that discourage you; there is software available for download at no charge on the Internet and some of it may be best for editing your video.

You can also utilize a desktop computer to investigate your digital camera rental. You should be able to get a baseball stadium quote of just how much a digital video camera with the functions you desire leas for, and the location of rental stores in your area that carry them.

Functions To Ask For

Make sure you request, and get, a digital video camera rental. You most absolutely do not want the camera which utilized VHS cassettes to record on. And ensure that your digital camera rental has the amount of pixilation that you desire. The higher the pixels, the better your video will be with a FX9 Rental

And ask about your digital camera leasing’s light measuring devices, or CCDs. These are chips, and you need as lots of as you can get. The difference between an electronic camera with one CCD chip and 3 CCD chips is, shall we say, like the difference between light and darkness?

Your digital video camera rental is the tool with which you will be developing memories you can treasure for many years to come. Do your research, and make it the finest tool you can possibly find

How To Use Flight Credit American Airlines? (All You Need to Know)


American Airlines flight credits and American Airlines trip credits may be confusing to you if you’ve previously canceled an American Airlines flight. American Airlines flight credits and trip credits can be redeemed quickly and easily to book flights.

You can redeem your American Airlines flight credits in the “Bookings” section of the website. You must be logged in to your account to access this section. After you have redeemed your flight credits, you will see a message stating that you have “Unused Travel Credits.” Your unused travel credits are listed under “Account” then “Travel Credits.”

To learn more about each American Airlines credit, including how to redeem them, you’ll first need to understand how flight credits and trip credits are earned and how these travel credits work. American Airlines flight credits can be used in the following ways.

How Do You Get an American Airlines Flight Credit?

American Airlines offers flight credit for unused or canceled tickets. Unlike trip credits, this type of compensation can only be used by the passenger whose name appears on the original ticket. Flight credits can be used for the following:

  • Flights are the only thing you can use these credits for.
  • It is not possible to redeem flight credits for extras like seats or bags.
  • Unless otherwise stated, flight credits are valid for one year from the date of issuance.
  • When booking at AA.com, you can use one flight credit per passenger (for more than one flight credit, contact American Airlines).
  • Flight credits can only be booked and used by the same passenger.

What Is the Process for Getting an American Airlines Trip Credit?

Travel credit is issued by American Airlines as compensation, refunds, and the remaining value of exchanged flight credits. The following information will help you understand trip credits:

  • Non-award bookings are eligible for trip credit.
  • S.-originating domestic and international flights can be paid for with trip credit.
  • It is not possible to redeem these credits for extras such as bags or seats.
  • A trip credit is valid for one year after it is issued.
  • When booking at AA.com, you can use eight trip credits per passenger (contact American Airlines if you need to book more than one passenger).
  • They can use their trip credit to book and pay for travel for themselves or for others.

Can You See the Balance of Your Flight Credit or Trip Credit?

It’s easy to find out. You can look at it on your account page. What do I do with my flight credit or trip credit balance? Once you’ve used up the credit, you’ll have to pay to use it again. So if you’ve already used up your credit, you’ll need to use your trip credit balance to buy another flight. How do I get more credit? There are two ways to get more credit: You can get a new credit card and use it to charge your travel expenses.

Or you can apply for a new credit line from Chase Bank. Chase is offering a $250 credit line to new Chase Premier Visa customers and a $500 credit line to new Chase Total Checking® customers. Please note that these credit lines are subject to approval. JPMorgan Chase Bank issues chase Bank credit cards, N.A. Visit jpmorganchase.com/credit for details. How do I find out if I’m eligible for travel rewards credit? If you’re a new customer, you’ll automatically enroll in the travel rewards program when you apply for the card.

How To Turn Off Carplay on iPhone (A Guide Of 2022)


The CarPlay feature on your iPhone can be convenient, but you may no longer want to use it. Many new cars feature Apple CarPlay as a built-in feature. It makes it easy for drivers to sync their iPhones to their vehicles with the software.

Alternatively, you can forget a synced vehicle or turn off the feature through the Restrictions tab in the Settings menu. You can still use CarPlay in your own vehicle when you use the latter. It stops CarPlay from activating after you plug your phone into a friend or relative’s car. In your Restrictions settings, you can always re-add a vehicle or turn CarPlay back on once you turn it off. I’ll show you how to do both.

What Is CarPlay?

The technology is a bit of a mouthful, but the name makes sense when you think about it. The feature is about connecting your car with the rest of the world. You’ll find that the first generation of Apple CarPlay will let you access apps like Spotify, Pandora, and more using your car’s audio system. You can also use your iPhone as a wireless key to unlocking your vehicle and control things like the climate, navigation, and entertainment.

Turning off CarPlay on your iPhone via the Settings app

  • Go to the Settings app.
  • You need to scroll down to the third section of options and select the “General” tab.
  • You will now be able to access your iPhone’s general settings. Select “CarPlay.”
  • When you click this, you’ll see a list of vehicles synced with your iPhone in your CarPlay settings. Select the vehicle you want to forget.
  • The next screen will allow you to forget this car by selecting the blue “Forget This Car” button.
  • You will be prompted to confirm the forgetting of this vehicle by a pop-up. You can complete the process by selecting “Forget” from the red menu.

The CarPlay feature will be deactivated for the vehicle you forgot, but other vehicles will still be able to use it. You will need to access your iPhone’s Restrictions to turn off CarPlay completely.

Types of CarPlay Features

CarPlay makes it easy to use phone applications while driving with several useful features. Various applications are available, including virtual car keys, navigation software, voice commands, messaging options, and entertainment features.

Virtual Car Keys

You can unlock and start your car with your phone using the virtual car keys feature. Your car can be started remotely from anywhere, and your keys can be shared. You can also restrict who can access your car and when they can access it using virtual car keys, which can be useful for setting access permissions for new drivers.

You can restrict access to the virtual car keys to only certain times of the day if you have a teen driver at home. Even when your phone battery dies, the virtual car keys application will still work for up to five hours.

Navigation Software

You can sync your preferred navigation application from your phone to your car with Apple CarPlay. In addition to the GPS systems that are integrated into most cars, your phone may have other options that you might prefer. The interface of your car can be displayed with your preferred navigational tool when your device is connected to it. Your car’s audio system can be used to play voice directions, making them clear, loud, and easy to follow.

Voice Commands

A voice command system on your phone can be synced to your car through CarPlay. Hands-free navigation and information requests are possible with voice commands. It is possible to ask for directions, request music, make calls, and send messages verbally. Keeping your eyes on the road while still having access to your phone’s features improves safety.

How To Treat Anxiety After Surgery (Everything You Should Know)


It is common for people to experience depression after surgery. A change in routine, ongoing health problems and discomfort can all contribute

The recovery process from surgery can be adversely affected by mental health issues. A person with depression may also perceive or experience postoperative pain more strongly after surgery.

It is easier to manage depression after surgery if you understand what causes it and what you can do about it. This article examines the relationship between surgery and depression. Why it happens and what can be done about it are discussed.

Anxiety Before Surgery

When the body experiences anxiety, it usually manifests as feelings of nervousness, tension, and worried thoughts as a reaction to an upcoming event. It’s normal for people to worry about surgery, the recovery process, finances, childcare, and other disruptions to their routine. Anxiety can result from all of these factors.

When the body experiences anxiety, it usually manifests as feelings of nervousness, tension, and worried thoughts as a reaction to an upcoming event. It’s normal for people to worry about surgery, the recovery process, finances, childcare, and other disruptions to their routine. Anxiety can result from all of these factors. The following signs may indicate that you’re anxious about a specific event: Feeling a knot in your stomach or butterflies in your stomach before an event, feeling nervous throughout an event Having thoughts like, “What if this doesn’t work?

Signs of Anxiety

  • Feeling nervous
  • Feeling restless or tense
  • Trembling
  • Rapid breathing
  • Increased heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Upset stomach, diarrhea, and nausea
  • Overall lethargy
  • Insomnia

An anxiety attack can occur when anxiety reaches extreme levels. The symptoms of an anxiety attack include shortness of breath, sweating, and an increased heart rate. You can prevent anxiety attacks before surgery by taking steps to calm your mind about your upcoming Procedure.

Calming Yourself Down Before Joint Surgery

Recovery times are shortened when a positive attitude is maintained. These tips can help you relieve worries or anxiety before an upcoming surgery.

Be Informed.

Discuss the upcoming Procedure with your doctor and nurses and ask questions. Knowing what to expect before, during, and after surgery can make the whole experience less frightening.

After the Procedure When you leave the operating room, you’ll be taken to a recovery room. There you’ll be closely monitored by nurses and doctors who will give you medications to help control pain and keep you comfortable. You may have an intravenous (IV) line in place so you can receive fluids and medications. You may be given a sponge bath, a shower, or both. Your nurse will monitor your vital signs regularly throughout the day and night. In the days that follow, you’ll have a lot of time to rest and recuperate.

Use Guided Imagery.

On the day of surgery, visualize yourself waking up confidently and calmly and going to your appointment. It is important to imagine that everything will go smoothly and that you will recover quickly. After you have recovered, consider how much better you will feel and what fun things you will be able to do.

Pause And Relax.

When you feel anxious, relax and take a break from the task you are currently working on. Some ways to relax include taking a walk, listening to your favorite music, writing in a journal or calling a friend.

  • If you can’t take a break immediately, get up and move around for a few minutes before returning to the task you were working on.
  • When you do decide to resume work, make sure that you pace yourself, using only as much time as you need to complete the task at hand.
  • Remember that you are not alone. You can choose when and how to work and have the support of others who care about you.
  • It is important to make sure that your work environment is conducive to relaxation.

How To Travel to Cuba (5 Tips for the Travelers)


How To Travel to Cuba on a Budget. The Cuban Revolution of 1959 shook the world. It was a time of revolution in many parts of the globe, and this included the United States. The Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States had been brewing for years. Then came the Cuban Revolution. This revolution was an attempt to overthrow the American government. It was a war that America lost. Cuba was a communist country until 1994, when Fidel Castro resigned as President of Cuba. After his resignation, he was replaced by his brother Raul Castro. It’s a small country with only 11 million people.

The United States has since then tried to invade Cuba and has failed. In addition, the U.S. has imposed economic sanctions on the country. In my opinion, this is not a war between good and evil. It’s a war between two countries that just happen to be located in the same hemisphere. I believe there are many other reasons for this war than just Communism vs. Capitalism. There is a reason why the Cold War ended. The United States and the Soviet Union were never able to agree on any sort of treaty.

5 Tips for Traveling to Cuba

Rent A Private Home

You need to get to know Cubans if you want to learn about Cuba. Staying in the Cuban version of a B&B, particularly a casa, is the easiest way to accomplish this on a two-week trip. Guests will feel more like lodgers than hotel guests, sharing the owners’ living space and engaging with them in no time, given the national penchant for a chat. This is essentially the socialist version of Airbnb.

Internet Access Will Be Limited

There are severe state restrictions on how and where Cubans can get internet access, and there is no mobile broadband other than WiFi in Cuba. Cuba has one of the worst internet connections in the world.

You shouldn’t expect to be able to connect with your phone unless you are staying in a top hotel. If you are lucky, you might be able to find a public WiFi spot or wait in line at an internet café – where the connection will be frustratingly slow, and the rates will be astronomical.

Make Plans for Your Nights Out

Cuba is one of the few countries in the world were leaving a night out to chance can lead to a memorable one. Try finding ‘the buzz’ or ‘the strip’ in a vacation resort, and you’ll find it difficult – there aren’t enough clubs, and those in most regions are sparsely distributed.

Make sure you find out where the night spots are in advance, and be prepared to spend some time traveling between them, especially in Havana, where they are spread out over a large area (you’ll probably need to take a taxi). Choose a venue you like and stick with it.

A Palate-Pleasing Meal

As you may have heard, eating out in Cuba is no longer as bad as it used to be. The reputation of boring, mono-flavored food in private restaurants, known as paladares, was largely deserved until draconian restrictions were lifted a few years ago.

Now that chefs and restaurateurs have awoken from their enforced slumber, mouth-watering menus and creatively-designed venues are flooding the market. A Cuba travel tip you should follow is to stick to palates rather than state-run restaurants if you intend to eat out.

Keep Some Cash on Hand At All Times

In Cuba, cash is king, and you should never trust your credit or debit card or travelers check to make payments. In general, plastic is not useful for most goods, services, and businesses, while for private enterprises, such as paladares and casa particulars, only paper works.

It is always a good idea to withdraw money when you can. Banks rarely accept foreign currency transactions, and hours are rarely extended past 3pm, especially outside Havana and beach resorts, for those that do. Cash machines are scarce, those that accept foreign cards even scarcer, and problems often occur with them.