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Add Flair to Your Bedroom With a Bedside Lamp


Que vous lisiez au lit ou que vous vouliez simplement donner une petite touche de couleur à votre chambre, une lampe de chevet est un moyen facile d’ajouter du style. Ces lampes sont disponibles dans une variété de styles et de tailles, il est donc important d’en choisir une qui complète votre décor.

Vous devez également tenir compte de la hauteur de la lumière. Ceci est important pour la lecture et peut varier en fonction de la hauteur de votre lit.

Une lampe de chevet doit être suffisamment lumineuse pour que vous puissiez lire confortablement, mais pas au point de vous fatiguer les yeux. Il devrait également être suffisamment faible pour éviter de déranger les partenaires endormis.

Les designs modernes sont élégants et discrets, avec des lignes épurées et des finitions mates. Ces lampes ont généralement des tiges minces et sont disponibles dans une variété de couleurs pour correspondre au décor de votre pièce.

Les modèles à bras oscillant et réglables sont à la fois polyvalents et fonctionnels. Ils peuvent basculer d’un côté à l’autre de la table pour un éclairage directionnel ou être positionnés en biais pour la lecture.

Certains modèles sont équipés de ports USB pour charger des appareils intelligents ou des liseuses. D’autres disposent de prises traditionnelles pour une recharge facile. La plupart ont un interrupteur pour régler la luminosité et la température de couleur de la lumière.

Une lampe de chevet est un élément clé dans n’importe quelle chambre. Il fournit suffisamment de lumière pour lire ou regarder la télévision, mais pas au point d’être trop dur pour vos yeux.

Un bon choix pour votre lampe de chevet est une couleur neutre qui complète le décor de votre chambre. Une lampe de chevet grise, par exemple, est une teinte intemporelle qui s’intègre dans presque toutes les pièces.

En plus d’apporter subtilité et confort, le gris ajoute également une touche de classe à votre pièce. C’est le choix parfait si vous voulez une chambre élégante un peu plus sophistiquée que celle de l’adolescent moyen.

Une lampe de chevet transparente est une autre excellente option facile à assortir à une variété de couleurs et de nuances. C’est également un excellent choix pour les chambres d’enfants, car il peut créer une atmosphère amusante et fantaisiste dans la routine du coucher de votre enfant.

Une lampe de chevet est un élément essentiel d’une chambre à coucher, apportant de la lumière pour la lecture et l’ambiance. Il doit être assez grand pour accueillir une table de chevet, mais pas trop grand pour ne pas surcharger le design de la pièce.

La couleur de la lampe doit correspondre au reste de la décoration de la chambre, y compris la literie, les tables de chevet et la tête de lit. Choisissez des couleurs neutres si le reste de votre décor est contemporain et épuré, ou choisissez un style plus traditionnel si vous avez un lit campagnard ou rustique.

Une bonne lampe de chevet doit également être solide, mais pas trop lourde. Cela garantit qu’il durera longtemps et ne se cassera pas facilement.

Les lampes de chevet sont un moyen pratique et pratique d’ajouter de la lumière à votre chambre sans avoir à vous lever du lit. Ils rendent également votre chambre plus confortable et plus esthétique.

Cependant, si vous ne faites pas attention à la sécurité de votre lampe, cela peut présenter un risque pour votre santé. Certaines lampes émettent une lumière de faible luminosité, qui peut interférer avec votre cycle de sommeil et décourager la production de mélatonine, une hormone qui favorise un sommeil réparateur.

Pour plus de sécurité, choisissez une ampoule à faible puissance qui est moins susceptible de surchauffer et éloignez la lampe des objets potentiellement inflammables comme la literie et les rideaux. De plus, il est important de s’assurer que la lampe porte un sceau UL afin que vous puissiez être sûr qu’elle peut être utilisée en toute sécurité dans votre maison.

Pilou Pilou


Pilou Pilou homme est un acteur danois qui est surtout connu pour avoir joué Euron Greyjoy dans Game of Thrones de HBO. L’acteur a également impressionné les critiques dans d’autres films, dont le nouveau thriller Samaritan, qui met en vedette Sylvester Stallone.

Le méchant de Game of Thrones est un pirate bien habillé qui privilégie une esthétique maritime steampunk. Il a également attiré l’attention de Madonna lors du concours Eurovision de cette année dans une tenue noire ornée qui serait parfaite pour Jack Sparrow.

Euron Greyjoy
Euron Greyjoy est l’un des joueurs les plus dangereux de Game of Thrones. Nous savons qu’il a assassiné son frère Balon Greyjoy, puis a revendiqué les îles de fer de son neveu Theon et Yara (alias Asha dans les livres), mais il n’a pas toujours été aussi clair sur ce qu’il fait exactement.

Pilou Asbaek, qui joue Euron dans la série, a récemment parlé à Fox News de son personnage et pourquoi il a été choisi pour le jouer. Il explique que lui et les showrunners voulaient éviter les comparaisons directes avec Ramsay et Joffrey.

Euron est un maître manipulateur et adapte son discours en fonction du public, qu’il s’agisse du fer-né au Kingsmoot ou de la reine Cersei Lannister à King’s Landing. Il a tendance à être grossier et fanfaron, mais il a aussi le sens de l’humour.

Ponce Pilate
En tant que gouverneur romain de Judée de 26 à 36 après JC, Pilate avait le pouvoir de crucifier quiconque menaçait l’ordre social de Rome. Sa crucifixion de Jésus en est un exemple.

Soldat et homme politique, Pilate s’est probablement fait connaître grâce au service militaire et au favoritisme. Il était un chef efficace et impitoyable qui a dirigé l’une des provinces les plus turbulentes de Rome pendant 10 ans.

Pour gouverner efficacement, les gouverneurs romains ont conclu des alliances avec les élites locales. Pendant la période du règne de Pilate, ces associations aristocratiques ont fourni des intérêts mutuels qui ont contribué à maintenir ensemble l’ordre social hiérarchique de Rome. Ces alliances demandaient habileté et tact.

Kasper Juul
Lorsque Borgen a fait ses débuts en 2010, il a rapidement fait sensation, à la suite des aventures d’un nouveau premier ministre (Sidse Babett Knudsen) et de son stratège politique Kasper Juul (Pilou Asbaek). Le spectacle vient de se terminer.

Désormais, les fans de la série peuvent s’attendre à une dernière série qui verra Birgitte Nyborg quitter enfin son poste de Premier ministre danois. Cependant, ce sera également la dernière fois que les téléspectateurs verront Kasper Juul, spin doctor charismatique mais troublé de Pilou Asbaek.

Pilou est un chaton très mignon qui adore le ballet et qui est assez intelligent pour son âge. On la voit souvent vêtue d’un tutu rose et d’un nœud bleu sur le dessus de la tête.

Elle peut aussi faire des « yeux de chaton » qui hypnotisent les gens pendant un moment avant qu’ils ne disparaissent. Son amour du ballet et des choses mignonnes peut parfois la rendre immature et elle est connue pour agir parfois un peu enfantine, mais pour la plupart, elle est très douce et charmante !

L’acteur danois Johan Philip Asbaek a joué dans de nombreux films, dont Game of Thrones, Euron Greyjoy, Ponce Pilate dans Ben-Hur (2016), Bouchard dans La Grande Muraille (2016), Batou dans Ghost in the Shell (2017), Captain Wafner dans Overlord (2018), Cyrus dans Samaritan (2022), Gage dans Uncharted (2022) et un spin doctor troublé Kasper Juul dans le drame politique télévisé danois Borgen.

Pilou Pilou est surtout connu pour son rôle d’Euron Greyjoy dans Game of Thrones de HBO, et est également apparu dans Ben-Hur (2016), The Great Wall, Ghost in the Shell (2017) et Overlord. Il est également apparu dans Uncharted (2022) en tant que Gage, le méchant hargneux qui a violé et décapité Nathan Drake.

Il joue un seigneur du crime dans Samaritan, un film Prime Video sur une Granite City brisée avec une pauvreté au bord de l’apocalypse. Le personnage principal du film, Sam Cleary (Javon Walton), 13 ans, vénère un super-héros nommé Samaritan qui a disparu des années plus tôt dans un combat avec Nemesis.

Sam se lie avec Joe, un éboueur qui est un troglodyte autoproclamé qui n’apprécie pas les interactions humaines normales. Mais le serviteur tatoué de Cyrus, Reza (Moises Arias), veut les battre. Heureusement, Sam est en mesure d’aider Joe, qui lui raconte comment il est devenu le super-héros et lui apprend à combattre seul les intimidateurs.

What Does an Attorney Do


When you need a legal expert to help you with a problem, you’ll usually turn to an Anwalt They’re the legal experts with law degrees who sue people, defend people, and serve as experts on the law.

Lawyers have many different names, including advocate, barrister, counselor, and solicitor. However, in most countries, they all have the same job duties and professional qualifications.

Legal Advice

The legal advice provided by an attorney involves a detailed analysis of the law and how it impacts the rights and responsibilities of the individual receiving the counsel. This requires knowledge and a good deal of study, training, and practice.

Only a licensed attorney with whom a client establishes an attorney-client relationship may give legal advice. Non-lawyer advice-givers, including individuals with no legal education, are engaged in the unauthorized practice of law and face a range of serious penalties.

An attorney will ask questions about the case, review law books and previous case settlements, look up federal, state, and municipal regulations, and seek advice from colleagues to provide the best possible legal advice for a specific situation. They are experts in their field and have invested years of time and money in their education.

Representation in Court

Many people go to court without a lawyer, or appear in court as a self-representative litigant (or pro se). This can be an intimidating experience, but preparing properly and knowing what to expect can reduce stress and improve your chances of successfully presenting your case.

There are many resources for self-representative litigants, including legal aid societies and pro bono lawyers. However, be aware that third-party advice may not apply to your specific situation.

Be sure to cross-reference your research with relevant statutes and rules of procedure in your local court. This will ensure that your information is accurate and complete.

You should also make sure that you have all of the proper documentation and evidence ready to present at your hearing. This includes making copies of your documents and evidence, obtaining a certified or licensed interpreter for your hearing if you have any special needs (e.g., if you speak a rare language), and arranging for your witnesses to arrive in time for the hearing.


When a party has a dispute, they may choose to use the legal system to resolve it. This can include filing a lawsuit, exchanging information through discovery or resolving the dispute by settling before court actions begin.

Litigation attorneys work with clients to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their case, develop persuasive arguments and prepare witnesses for testimony. They also draft trial strategies, prepare evidence for trial, conduct pre-trial depositions and cross-examine witnesses.

After a trial, litigators may appeal the judge’s decision to the appellate courts. This requires them to gather evidence that shows why the trial court’s decision was wrong. They must also come up with strategies for the appeal, prepare documents and present oral arguments before an appellate court.

Document Preparation

Document preparation is an important part of a lawyer’s practice. Litigators need documents to file claims, obtain discovery and make motions, while transactional attorneys prepare contracts, wills, trusts, and corporate papers.

The best legal document preparers know which forms to use for the specific type of case and are familiar with the standards of language that are used in court proceedings. This saves time and ensures that the information a client needs is included in the documents, making them easier to defend.

If your firm is new and needs to keep overhead low, outsourcing some of your document preparation services can be a good choice. However, make sure that you are hiring a company that has the proper legal training and experience, and whose practices comply with any state privacy laws.

A lot of document preparers are just lawyers who offer this service in an attempt to compete with your firm. Be aware of this, and avoid them if possible.

How to Turn Off iPhone 12 Promax: The Quick and Easy Way


It can be helpful to take a break from your iPhone and turn it off. It’s an easy way to save battery life and to remind yourself that you can’t always be connected.

The iPhone has a number of shortcuts you can use to power on and off, force a restart, enter DFU mode, enter recovery mode, activate Emergency SOS, and temporarily disable Face ID. We’ll cover how to use these and more in this article.

1. Press and hold the Volume Up and Side buttons

If you’re having trouble turning off your iPhone 12 promax, it could be because you’re using the wrong button combinations. The latest iPhone models don’t have a slider to switch off, so you have to use a combination of buttons to turn it off. This can be a little confusing, but it’s worth it in the long run because turning off your phone can help you get some peace and focus.

If your iPhone is stuck on a black screen with no way to turn it on, you can try a hard restart. Force restarting your device will clear any software glitches that may be causing it to become unresponsive or frozen.

First, connect your device to a computer using the Lightning cable that came with it. If you’re on a Mac, make sure that iTunes is open and running. If you’re on a PC, Finder should be open as well.

When your iPhone is connected to your computer, you can launch iTunes and begin the process of putting your device into recovery mode. This will enable you to restore or update your iOS, which is the latest version of the operating system that comes with your iPhone.

Note: This method will factory reset your iPhone, so it’s a good idea to back up any important files and settings before trying this. It’s also important to know that it will erase any previous data stored on your phone, so you may want to consider this method only if your data is completely secure and safe.

Once you’ve put your iPhone into recovery mode, you can download the latest iOS firmware package to resolve any issues that are preventing it from working properly. After the download is complete, your iPhone will restart and work as normal. You’ll also be able to view your current version of iOS and upgrade it if necessary. This is a great way to fix your problems and restore your iPhone without any hassles.

2. Press and hold the Volume Down and Side buttons

If your iPhone is acting up and you’re tired of trying to fix it, consider resetting it. It’s a quick way to get your phone working properly again, and it doesn’t erase any data.

The first step is to press and hold the Volume Down and Side buttons on your iPhone 12 promax, then release them as soon as the power menu shows up. This won’t take long — a second or two should be enough for it to show up.

A power menu should appear on your screen, with the slider to turn off the device. When you swipe the switch, your iPhone will be turned off.

Another quick way to turn off an iPhone is by pressing and holding both the Volume Up and Volume Down buttons at the same time, then releasing them. This will trigger the emergency screen on your iPhone, which allows you to call emergency services and send a text message with your location information.

As always, you should be very careful when using this method to avoid accidentally shutting down your iPhone in your pocket or bag. It’s also a good idea to have your phone in a case or cover for when you’re going to be doing this so as not to damage it.

It’s important to note that while you can use the power button on the top of your iPhone to turn it off, this is not the fastest and most reliable way to do so. It does not work on older iPhone models, and can cause your phone to shut down unexpectedly.

This is why Apple switched to a more secure process for turning off iPhones in the past. It’s also why you should never try this on a device with Face ID enabled, which will make it harder for someone to unlock the phone.

Regardless of how you’re resetting your iPhone 12 promax, you should back up any important data on it so that it can’t be lost. A factory reset also removes any custom settings you may have created on your phone.

3. Press and hold the Side button

If you are having problems turning your iPhone 12 promax on or off, a simple fix is to press and hold the Side button. This is especially useful if you are having issues with your display or battery.

The Side button is a button found on the right-hand side of your phone that allows you to turn your iPhone off or back on, depending on what you need to do. It can also be used to switch between apps, which is great if you have a lot of apps installed or need to move quickly through them.

You can also use the Side button to switch between your Home screen and apps by using a swipe gesture. This works just like it does on your older iPhones, but you’ll need to be aware that the most recent app will automatically become the current one if you do this.

Another useful feature of the Side button is that it can be used to trigger Emergency SOS, which will call your emergency contacts and alert them of your situation. This can be a lifesaver if you are ever in an accident or if someone is trying to break into your iPhone.

Alternatively, you can also turn off your iPhone with the Side button by holding it down until you see a slider appear on the screen. Then, you can swipe the slider to power off your iPhone or press and hold the Side button to start it back up.

If you’re using an iPhone 12 Pro Max, the Side button can also be used to perform a hard restart or force restart of your device. This method is ideal for fixing any software freezes or bugs that may be causing your iPhone to stop working or freezing up, so it’s always worth giving this a try if you experience any issues with your phone.

You can also turn off your iPhone with the Side Button by pressing and holding it until the Emergency SOS countdown begins to initiate on the screen. This will then trigger a countdown and call your emergency contacts.

4. Press and hold the Power button

If your iphone 12 promax isn’t turning on or responding to touch input, you may need to turn it off. This will give you a chance to test your device’s internals and determine whether it’s the screen that needs to be replaced or something else.

If the phone’s display is busted, a screen replacement should fix it, but there are a few other things that could be at fault. This includes the digitizer, which is the component that handles touchscreen input on a modern display, and the speaker, which can become damaged from being dropped.

Luckily, if you have access to an external monitor and a usb ammeter, you can test your phone’s internals before going for a complete replacement. This will help you identify if your power button is the problem or the screen itself.

One of the best features that Apple added to its latest iPhones was a super XDR OLED display, and this is available in the iPhone 12 range as well. This means that the screens on these phones are much better than those found on last year’s iPhone models, and images really pop with color and detail.

It’s not a big jump to get from the IPS displays in earlier iPhones to this, but it makes a huge difference. Combined with the A14 processor that’s been used across the iPhone 12 series, the display on these phones is incredibly fast and loads games and apps much quicker than they did on older devices.

The A14 chip also helps the phone handle all the image and video processing you’ll be asking it to do – the cameras are now much better, so they need a lot more processing power than before to cope.

Aside from being a huge upgrade, the Super XDR OLED display on an iphone 12 promax is a great way to keep up with the world around you and enjoy your favorite content on the go. It’s also faster than its predecessors, so you’ll be able to get more done in less time.

If you’re having problems with your iPhone 12 promax and don’t want to take it to the shop, try pressing and holding the Power button for a few seconds until you see the Apple logo on the screen. This will force the phone to restart, and it should then start responding to touch and button presses again.

How to Turn Off Bedtime Alarm on iPhone [2023 Update]


Apple has a number of interesting features that make it easier for iPhone users to get the sleep they need. One of these is the Bedtime feature, which lets you schedule a set bedtime and wake-up time.

It also offers a number of different wake-up sounds that range from gentle to upbeat. You can even snooze your alarm if you need to.

Delete the Bedtime Schedule Alarm

If you’re having trouble with your iPhone alarm not going off at the set time, you may be able to fix it by deleting the Bedtime Schedule Alarm. It’s a simple and easy process that can solve this problem for many users.

In the Health app, open Sleep and select Full Schedule & Options (at the bottom of the screen). Tap Edit under the sleep schedule whose alarm you want to remove.

When you’ve removed the alarm, it won’t ring again. However, you can turn it back on later if you need to.

Another common reason for the problem is that Apple’s Sleep Reminder and Tracking feature can interfere with your normal alarm sound if it’s set to the same time as your Bedtime schedule. If this is the case, you should delete the Bedtime schedule and change the Wake Time to something different so that your regular alarm can go off on time without any interference.

It’s also possible that you have a third-party alarm or clock app installed on your iPhone, and it’s interfering with your normal alarm. To fix this, you’ll need to remove the app and restart your phone.

You can also update your device’s iOS version to see if this fixes the issue. You can do this either wirelessly via Settings & General & Software Update, or by plugging your iPhone into iTunes and downloading the latest firmware.

If this doesn’t work, you can try a reboot of your iPhone to reset all the processes running on your device and correct any glitches that might be causing the issue. It’s important to note, though, that this method will only work if you have an updated iOS version.

Lastly, you can try removing any other Sleep related features you might have installed on your iPhone. In particular, you should get rid of any apps that have Bedtime, Sleep Focus, or other sleep-related features.

Turn off the Sleep History Notification

If you have an iPhone X or later, or an Apple Watch Series 4 or higher, you can turn off the Sleep History Notification. This will stop your phone from waking you up at random times in the night, which can help you get the rest you need.

To disable the Sleep History Notification, open the Health app on your iPhone and tap on the Sleep section under the Summary tab. From here, scroll to Screen and tap on Options.

You’ll then see the “Sleep Reminders” toggle, which is where you can switch off this feature. This will stop your phone from triggering this alert each time it detects that you are ready to go to bed, and you can also choose to not have this notification at all.

For more in-depth information about your sleep, you can open the Health app and look at your data on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. This will give you a more complete picture of how you sleep and what you need to do to improve your rest.

AutoSleep automatically tracks your main sleep and any naps that are longer than thirty minutes. This is based on your wear and tear data from the Watch and can be changed by defining a sleep reporting schedule in your Sleep settings.

The sleep data is stored in the Health app so it’s secure and backed up. You can view it on a day-to-day, week-to-week or month-to-month basis in graph format.

You can also add additional sleep schedules, adjust alarms and change your sleep goals (how many hours of sleep you want to get each night) using the Health app. You can also turn off or delete a sleep schedule at any time.

Some users have found that the Health app has a bug that prevents certain functions like measuring SpO2 or Respiration Rate, so you may need to turn off low power mode before attempting to use AutoSleep with these features turned on.

If you have an iPhone X or later, you can turn off the Sleep History Notification in the Control Center by tapping the sleep icon and selecting the toggle for “Turn On at Bedtime.” This will disable all of the features that track your sleep. This will allow you to go back to your normal routine.

Disable the Bedtime Mode

Bedtime mode on an iPhone reminds you when it’s time to go to sleep and sounds an alarm to wake you up. However, if you don’t want to have this feature or you find it annoying, you can turn off the bedtime mode on your iPhone.

Whether you want to change the days that bedtime is enabled or adjust the reminder, you can do so from the Clock app or Health app. Those with iOS 14 and later will notice that the bedtime tab is gone from the Clock app, but it’s still there in the Health app and can be adjusted.

To disable the bedtime mode on an iPhone, open the Settings app and tap General. Then, tap the Remind me button next to Bedtime and toggle it to Off.

You can also select different intervals from a drop-down menu, including none at all, 15 minutes before bedtime, 30 minutes before, 45 minutes before and 1 hour before bedtime. Then, you can choose a wake-up sound and set the volume of the alarm.

The bedtime mode will keep track of your sleep patterns, and you’ll get a graph that shows how many hours you’re sleeping each night. This can help you understand why your body feels tired or energized at different times of the day.

It can also help you figure out when you need to adjust your bedtime schedule, so that you’re getting enough sleep each night. It’s an excellent feature for anyone who wants to know when to go to bed and when to wake up, and it can be useful if you have sleep issues or need help getting back to normal sleep patterns.

Do Not Disturb during Bedtime is a new feature in the Clock and Health apps that lets you muffle calls and notifications during your preferred sleep time. It can be turned on manually or on a schedule, and it will silence all incoming calls and notifications during your designated time.

Turn off the Bedtime Alarm

If you find the Bedtime Alarm on your iPhone annoying, you can disable it by turning off the toggle. You can do this in the Clock app or Health app for iOS 14 and later.

You can also change the days you get a reminder. This will make it easier to adjust your sleeping schedule if you’re not getting enough sleep.

To turn off the Bedtime Alarm, open the Clock app and tap the Bedtime switch under the Schedule section. Alternatively, open the Health app and click “Browse” then select “Sleep.”

If you have more than one sleep schedule, you can delete them all by tapping Edit under your Schedule section’s Next label. Once deleted, the sleep schedules will be automatically turned off.

When you’re ready to restore the bedtime alarm, just tap Reset Sleep Schedules. Your Sleep Schedule and all your scheduled alarms will be reset.

You can even change your sleep schedule on the go by opening the Health app and clicking “Browse” then selecting “Sleep.” Once you’re back in the Health app, select Your Schedule and scroll down to Full Schedule & Options.

Another way to skip the alarm is by putting your phone in silent ring or Do Not Disturb mode. This will prevent the Bedtime Alarm from waking you up at your chosen wake-up time.

However, you should note that using this feature might affect your sleep patterns. If you’re used to getting up at a certain time, changing the bedtime schedule might confuse your sleep pattern.

This is why it’s important to adjust your sleep schedule regularly. To do so, you should choose a sleep schedule that is close to the desired wake-up time.

You can set up a sleep schedule on your Apple Watch as well. To do so, open the Health app on your iPhone and tap Browse. Then select Sleep to see all your sleep data.

Once you’re done, you can tap “Full Schedule & Options” under Your Schedule and turn off the toggle for “Sleep Schedule”. This will stop the Bedtime Alarm from waking you up in the morning.

How to Turn Brightness Up on iPhone 11: Say goodbye to squinting


Apple’s iOS devices use an ambient light sensor to automatically adjust brightness levels based on the conditions around you. It lowers brightness in dark areas and raises it in light ones.

You can turn auto-brightness on or off easily. However, a few users have noticed that their new iPhone 11 display displays are still dim even when the feature is turned on.

1. Settings

You can get your iPhone 11’s display to brighten up using a few simple steps. First, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to reveal the quick-access panel and slide the brightness slider.

Depending on how light the environment is, your display will automatically adjust its brightness. This feature is designed to prevent eye strain and make your screen easier to view.

However, sometimes your iPhone’s display can be too dim to read or navigate around. The problem can be caused by a number of things, including auto-brightness settings and screen zoom.

In addition to that, your iPhone may be overheating, which can also lead to a dim screen. This can happen if you’re in your pocket, if you’re watching video content while charging, or if your device is in Low Power Mode.

Disabling auto-brightness can help your iPhone’s display stay brighter, but it’s not a foolproof solution. If your iPhone’s screen still dims even after you disable auto-brightness, try disabling True Tone and turning off Low Power Mode.

While you’re in Settings, you can also enable a feature called Reduce White Point. This can help some people with vision issues see better on their iPhone’s display.

But remember, Reduce White Point will lower the intensity of bright colors on your iPhone’s screen. So, if you’re someone who doesn’t need this feature, turn it off.

2. Control Center

You can quickly change the brightness of your iPhone screen on an iPhone 11, using the Control Center. It is available from any screen on your iPhone or iPad, and offers instant access to common settings (Airplane mode, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, AirDrop, and AirPlay), apps (Flashlight, calculator, timer, and camera), and more.

For example, you can use the brightness slider in Control Center to make your iPhone screen brighter or dimmer, and you can also enable Night Shift to reduce the amount of sleep-disrupting blue light emitted by your device’s display. Both features extend your battery life by dimming your display to match the light level in your surroundings.

On the other hand, if you don’t like your iPhone to automatically adjust its brightness based on your surroundings, you can disable it in Settings. To do so, open the Accessibility page in the Settings app and tap Display & Brightness.

Once there, you’ll see a toggle button next to Auto-Brightness, which is switched from green to grey. To turn this off, slide the toggle button to the Off position.

3. Siri

Using your iPhone in low-light settings can be a challenge. If you’re looking for a way to get your screen brighter without having to touch the screen, there are a few ways you can do this on your iPhone 11.

The first method is via the Settings app. Simply scroll down to ‘Display & Brightness’ and switch the Auto-Brightness feature on. This will allow iOS to adjust the brightness automatically, based on your surrounding light. This will help reduce eye strain and give you a better experience while using your device at night or in dimly lit environments.

Another option is to use Control Center. This is a quick access menu that is available within all apps and on the lock screen. You can toggle the Dark Mode on and off here as well as setting your preferred brightness level.

A third way to get your screen brighter is through Siri. Ask Siri to “Make the screen brighter” or “Make the screen dimmer”, and she’ll take care of it for you. You can also create a shortcut that will do this for you.

One of the downsides to this shortcut is that it will zoom into your screen, which isn’t something you want to do. However, after a few uses of this shortcut your iPhone will recognize that you don’t want to be zoomed in and won’t do it anymore.

You can also try to save battery by turning off the Low Power consumption mode on your iPhone. This will reduce the brightness of your screen and help keep your battery charged longer. You can do this either through Siri or by going into Settings / Battery and turning off the switch for Low Power Mode.

While this method isn’t as quick or convenient as the others it can be useful if you have an iPhone 11 with Face ID and are in a dark environment. This method works only if the Attention Aware Features feature is enabled on your device.

4. Back Tap

If your screen on an iPhone 11 appears too dark, there are a few things you can try. First, you can increase your screen’s brightness using the brightness slider in Control Center.

If that doesn’t work, you can disable auto-brightness in Settings & Accessibility & Display & Text Size. Then, you can try adjusting it manually.

Another option is to reset the screen’s brightness settings. In Control Center, swipe down from the top-right corner to reveal the brightness slider and adjust it until the iPhone’s screen brightens up.

However, this may not solve your issue completely. There might be an underlying software problem that you haven’t fixed yet.

One possible reason is that your iPhone X or later is dimming its screen when it notices you’re not looking at it, which can be a helpful feature that extends battery life. You can turn this off from iPhone Settings & Face ID & Passcode, then you’ll be able to see the phone’s screen again without it dimming down.

You can also use a Back Tap shortcut to turn your iPhone’s brightness up, instead of relying on the normal brightness slider in Control Center. This shortcut is available in the Shortcuts app, so you’ll need to install that if it’s not already installed.

Once you’ve added the shortcut, you can tap the Back Tap button twice or three times to run it. It’s a handy way to toggle your screen’s brightness, as it takes advantage of some accessibility features like reduce white point and zoom low light filter, which we’ve written about before.

The “Set Brightness” shortcut is available only on iOS 14 or higher, so you might have to re-sync your device to use it. Alternatively, you can download the shortcut directly from iCloud, though it might not get updated any time soon.

If you’re using an older iOS version, you can also use the Set Brightness shortcut to turn your iPhone’s brightness up by tapping the Back Tap button twice or three times. This is a handy shortcut that takes advantage of some accessibility features, so it’s easy to use.

Hiring the Right People for Your Caregiver Agency


If you run a caregiver agency, you know how important it is to hire the right people. Hiring the wrong caregivers can cause costly turnover and affect your agency’s reputation.

The good news is that a well-thought-out home care hiring process can help you find and hire the right people for your business. Here are some tips to help your hiring process run smoothly and keep you from making mistakes that can cost you time and money.

1. The Number of Open Jobs

As of May, there were more than 11 million job openings in the United States. That’s 25 percent higher than pre-pandemic levels.

At the same time, however, US employers are struggling to fill these open jobs. They’re not finding enough replacements, and the voluntary quit rate remains high.

Fortunately, there are ways to overcome these challenges. One is to focus on a strategic approach to caregiver agency hiring.

This involves writing listings that give a great first impression, attract top-fit candidates, and immediately weed out those who don’t fit the bill.

The best way to do this is by establishing a simple and efficient hiring process. This can include pre-screening applicants to determine their experience level, past employment, licensing, and why they’re interested in a job at your agency. Depending on the number of applications you’re processing, this may be done via phone or videoconferencing, or it can be automated through an Applicant Tracking System.

2. The Number of Candidates Received

Hiring the right caregivers is a complex and time-consuming process. Agencies with the best hiring practices are careful to attract, screen and select candidates who are a good fit with their agency’s culture, values, and clients/patients.

To find the right candidates, your home care agency needs to establish a clear and simple hiring process. This ensures that all candidates receive a positive experience at every step of the recruiting process.

The number of applicants received at caregiver agency hiring is largely influenced by the specific job requirements, how quickly you need to fill a post and your reputation in the market. Early career openings tend to receive more applications than very senior positions, for instance.

During the screening process, agencies typically request candidates to provide their name, address, and Social Security number. They also run fingerprints to verify names match and check credit histories. Some states also check driving records and minor traffic violations.

3. The Time It Takes to Review Applicants

Hiring a qualified caregiver requires a careful process to ensure a positive candidate experience. A home healthcare agency, home care agency or long-term care facility that follows an efficient hiring process enables staff to fill open jobs quicker, reducing the costs of lost applicants.

A home care agency can use a variety of tools to conduct pre-employment background checks on candidates. These can include criminal background checks, employment verification, and education verification.

In many cases, a criminal background check may reveal convictions or active arrests that would disqualify the applicant from working as a caregiver. This is especially important in states like California, where caregivers work closely with vulnerable individuals, such as elderly and dependent adults and children.

Most states do not permit employers to hire individuals with certain misdemeanor or felony convictions. These include sexual assault, robbery, elder or dependent abuse, and offenses that require sex offender registration.

4. The Time It Takes to Make a Hire

Hiring the right caregivers is critical to the success of your home care agency. The wrong hires can hurt your agency, lead to costly turnover, and even harm your reputation.

The best agencies understand that hiring quality caregivers requires a strategic approach to the process. They make sure the entire candidate experience is positive, from ad placement to onboarding.

Keeping the job requirements clear in your ad, for example, can help whittle your pool of applicants and increase your applicant-to-hire ratio. However, if your criteria are arbitrary or too rigid, it’s possible that your home care agency will miss out on quality candidates who would have otherwise qualified for the role.

Agencies that promote from within and allot time for training and career advancement also tend to attract better talent. They can also highlight career opportunities in their ad and provide testimonials from current employees.

Add a Touch of Sophistication to Your Wardrobe With a Michael Kors Satchel


If you’re looking for the perfect designer bag to add a touch of glamour and sophistication to your wardrobe, then look no further than the range of Michael Kors satchel bags. These versatile pieces are ideal for any occasion and come in a wide variety of sizes and styles so you can find the perfect one to match your personal style.

A Michael Kors satchel bag is the ideal bag for work or everyday wear, offering you plenty of storage and a practical design. Choose from a range of styles, including the classic satchel and doctors bag to keep all your essentials close at hand. For a sophisticated look, opt for a Michael Kors satchel with a sleek and contemporary silhouette that is crafted in pebbled leather or embroidered with the brand’s signature logo. Or, if you’re looking for something a little more casual, consider a chic crossbody bag or clutch.

When choosing a Michael Kors satchel bag, it’s important to ensure that it is made from quality materials and is stylish enough for you to carry around for years to come. If you aren’t sure which style to go for, then it is always a good idea to consult a Michael Kors expert before buying as they can provide advice on the best bags for your style and budget.

Michael Kors offers a wide range of bags, ranging from coated canvas to leather options. These are all designed to be super durable and will stand up well against the daily rigours of life. They also come in a variety of colours and designs so there’s sure to be a bag that’s right for you.

Coach is another great option for a new handbag. They offer a number of different leather options, including nappa leather and natural leather. They also have coated canvas and plain canvas options as well so you’re sure to find a bag that’s perfect for your needs.

There are a few differences between Coach and Michael Kors, but they both offer a range of stunning pieces that will suit any woman. The main difference is that Coach is known for classic American designs, while Michael Kors is known for modern and contemporary styles with a slight sportswear influence.

You can buy a Michael Kors bag for a few hundred dollars or less, making them an excellent choice if you’re on a tight budget. However, it’s still a good idea to shop around for the best deal as there are some fakes out there that could be priced much higher than you’d expect.

The best place to start is online – many sites have a great selection of designer items, including Michael Kors. Some sites have a dedicated section for handbags, and some will even sell out their entire collection so it’s a good idea to check out their sale sections regularly to see if any of the pieces you love are reduced in price.

It’s also a good idea to shop at multiple sites before you make a purchase, as it will help you to narrow down your search and make the right decision. It’s also worth checking out eBay and other websites to see if there are any Michael Kors bags available for a lower price than what you are used to paying. If you have any doubts, it’s always a good idea to ask for a refund if you don’t like what you’ve bought or aren’t happy with it.

Why Buy YouTube Likes?


YouTube is one of the world’s most popular video sharing platforms, and getting

views on your videos can be key to gaining traction.

However, there are some risks involved with buying views; most importantly,

YouTube can ban your channel if you buy fake or bot views. To avoid these risks, it is

essential to work with a reliable, trustworthy company that offers real growth.

Instant Engagement

Video marketing is one of the most powerful tools for generating a brand’s

awareness and increasing its visibility. However, it can be difficult to get the initial

audience needed to see your videos.

buy youtube likes allows you to gain instant engagement with your video

content. This can help you rank higher in search results and increase your view

count, shares, and comments.

It’s also helpful for stalled channels who need to get back on track. The large boost

in viewership can encourage viewers to subscribe and interact with the channel


In addition to providing immediate engagement, YouTube likes send a message to

the YouTube algorithm that your video is worth watching. This is important for new

and stalled channels since views are an important part of the search algorithm.

Increased Rankings

Buying YouTube likes is a great way to quickly boost your channel’s rankings. Unlike

social shares on other platforms, YouTube has a much more sophisticated algorithm

that determines what content will get a boost.

Getting more likes also helps your videos rank better in the search engine results

page (SERP) and creates a positive feedback loop that encourages people to

recommend your video to others. This makes it easier for your videos to be

discovered by new users on the platform, which can help you increase your overall

channel popularity and authority.

Buying YouTube likes is especially beneficial for channels that have stalled or have

been struggling to gain views recently. This can be caused by the video’s quality,

the lack of updates, or the fact that it doesn’t have enough engagement to keep

viewers coming back.

Increased Conversions

Whether you’re looking to build a business or get that internet fame you’ve always

wanted, a successful social media presence is essential. And YouTube is one of the

most important platforms for this purpose.

Buying YouTube likes can quickly increase your engagement and view count to

ensure that you’re getting the most out of your videos. The higher your views, themore likely it is that you’ll convert a visitor to a subscriber or customer.

Furthermore, the number of views you have tells YouTube that your content is

popular within your audience, which increases your chances of ranking higher in

search results. This also helps with video SEO and makes it easier to find your

content from external sites or search engines.

Moreover, if you’re a new channel or have stalled out due to low viewership, buying

YouTube views can help you get back on track. Having a high view count can

increase your authority and influence, which can then be leveraged to persuade

other people to subscribe to your channel.

Less Stress

Aside from the sheer thrill of getting your work seen by a sizable number of people,

buying YouTube likes is an excellent way to boost your profile without the need for

you to spend time on a regular basis. The best part is that you can get the most out

of your investment by using a reliable and reputable company. In fact, there are a

lot of services out there who can help you make the most of your content and

maximize your budget. The top tier providers offer free and paid packages, as well

as a host of other services and products to meet your specific needs. For a start,

they can provide you with a customized video strategy for the most effective video

production in your budget. Alternatively, they can also help you with a

comprehensive social media management program designed to increase your

visibility on YouTube and increase your engagement in the process.

The Neighborhood of Pinetree Hill in Albany NY


The Pine Hills neighborhood in Albany NY is home to a diverse mix of residents. It combines the tried-and-true with the fresh young collegian faces that are constantly evolving and shaping the neighborhood’s culture.

The area is within walking distance of the College of Saint Rose and UAlbany campuses. It is also close to Battlefield Park and Washington Park.

The Amenities

Pine Hill has a variety of amenities to keep residents happy. Whether they are looking to buy a new home, rent an apartment or need some maintenance on their existing property, Pine Hill has what they need. The area has a number of hardware stores and a jewelry store, as well as several bars and restaurants. It is a friendly neighborhood with a strong local economy, and is a great place to live for anyone who wants to enjoy the conveniences of urban living without being too far from the city.

Pine Hill is a diverse and welcoming residential community that offers a wide range of housing options for families. There are apartments in a range of price ranges, as well as homes in a variety of architectural styles. The borough is also close to many recreational amenities, such as lakes and golf courses. It is a family-friendly community that caters to everyone’s needs, and the town prides itself on its strong environmental programs.

The Transport

The transport options at pinetree hill are limited, with the majority of residents commuting to work by car. While public transportation does not run frequently, there are a few bus lines and skytrain stations close to the location. Rome2rio provides up to date schedules, route maps and estimated fares from all major operators, helping you find the best possible option for your trip.

If you’re travelling by car, make sure that the vehicle complies with all conditions of the contract and is in good condition. You can check this by checking the fuel tank, making sure that it’s full and inspecting the exterior of the car. You can also add additional drivers to your booking if you have more than one person on board, though this will usually cost a small fee per additional driver. You can find this information on the booking voucher. You can also ask for extra child seats or booster seats, which will be added to your rental agreement at a small fee.

The Schools

In terms of education, there are some pretty decent schools to be found in the area. The University at Albany is the most well-known, but there are also several other notable institutions located within the neighborhood including the College of Saint Rose. If you’re looking for a more comprehensive list, take a look at the City of Albany Schools website. It’s worth a look at the city’s schools page for the latest information on school closures and openings.