Home Education Is A Parallelogram A Rectangle–Or Does a Rectangle Form a Parallelogram?

Is A Parallelogram A Rectangle–Or Does a Rectangle Form a Parallelogram?

Is A Parallelogram A Rectangle–Or Does a Rectangle Form a Parallelogram?
is a parallelogram a rectangle

The rectangle and the parallelogram are both quadrilaterals, which means that they are both polygons with four sides. The question is, do rectangles count as parallelograms? On the other hand, are parallelograms regarded as rectangles? Here is a quick review of the different properties of both parallelograms and rectangles to help you understand them better.

The parallelogram is a quadrilateral that has:

·         Two pairs of parallel sides

·         Two pairs of opposite sides that are coincident

A rectangle is a quadrilateral that has:

·         Four right angles

·         Two different pairs of opposite sides

Rhombuses are quadrilaterals that have:

·         Four sides of equal length

·         Two pairs of equal opposite angles

is a rectangle always a parallelogram
is a rectangle always a parallelogram

Properties of a Rectangle vs. a Parallelogram

There are four right angles in a rectangle. These angles are all congruent with one another. In the rectangle, the vertices join the adjacent sides at a 90° angle, indicating that the opposite sides are parallel lines. A rectangle has all of the properties of a parallelogram since it has two series of parallel sides and two sets of opposite sides that are both congruent. For this reason, a rectangle is always a parallelogram.

It is important to note, however, that not all parallelograms are rectangles. An example of a parallelogram that does not have four right angles can be seen below. In the next section, we will discuss these shapes properties.

Properties of a Rectangle vs. a Rhombus

We defined a rhombus above, which is the shape pictured above. In view of the similarity between a rhombus and a rectangle, let’s talk about the similarities between the two shapes.

Besides, a rectangle may not always be a rhombus. There are two sets of congruent sides on a rectangle whereas there are four congruent sides on a rhombus.

Can I ask if rhombuses are always parallelograms? Yes, they are always parallelograms! It is true that the two pairs of opposite angles of a rhombus are always equal, just as the two pairs of opposite angles of a parallelogram are always equal. In other words, a rhombus is just a special case of a parallelogram that happens to also have congruent angles on all four sides.

Is a Rectangle a Parallelogram?

All quadrilaterals have a certain property, whether they are rectangles, parallelograms, or rhombuses.

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral that has:

·         Two pairs of parallel sides

·         Two opposite pairs of sides that are congruent

A rectangle is a quadrilateral that has:

·         Four right angles

·         Two pairs of opposite sides that are congruent

The characteristics of a rhombus are:

·         Four sides of equal length

·         Two pairs of equal opposite angles

In addition to the types of quadrilaterals we have described here, there are many other types of quadrilaterals. As a result, you now know the answer to the question “Is a rectangle a parallelogram?”.” A rectangle is always a parallelogram. It is not necessarily the case that a parallelogram is always a rectangle.


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