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How to Select the Best Disaster Recovery Solutions


The best disaster recovery solutions help businesses protect themselves from data loss caused by natural calamities, human errors, and cyber attacks. These tools provide the fastest ways to recover from business data downtime and get your company up and running in no time.

Zerto is an all-in-one IT resilience platform with backup, disaster recovery, and cloud mobility capabilities. It works on a converged platform and boasts features like immutable storage and deep learning server protection.

Automatic Backup

Unlike manual backups, which can be error-prone and time-consuming, automated backup solutions will work for you without fail. They can even perform backups at scheduled intervals, which saves you time and resources.

Automated backup software can automatically upgrade your server space based on data growth, reducing your cost for storage. It also offers a one-click failover for seamless disaster recovery.

Data loss can be devastating, especially for a small business that depends on it to function and provide services for clients. Having the right team in place can help minimize downtime, saving your business money and preserving client relationships.

Consider working with a managed backup and recovery team that can provide you with disaster-recovery-as-a-service. They can create a customized backup-and-recovery plan, test and validate it in a fully automated manner and spin up your latest tested backups to recover from failure. They can also perform granular file-level restores and support VMware, Hyper-V and physical workloads, as well as cloud workloads and SaaS applications from a single platform.

Failover Testing

Disasters can happen in a variety of ways – from natural disasters to human-caused problems such as ransomware attacks. Regardless of the cause, effective disaster recovery plans are key to keeping your business operational.

One of the most important aspects of disaster recovery is failover testing, which involves switching over from your primary infrastructure to a backup system to see how well it works. This is especially beneficial for organizations that rely heavily on websites and other IT infrastructure for revenue generation.

Failover testing can be done manually or with a solution like NAKIVO Backup & Replication that includes VM replication, VM failover and failback capabilities. Additionally, the solution offers a Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) option for organizations that don’t want to manage their own DR site. The service delivers a reliable and cost-effective way to protect critical IT infrastructure from disasters, cyberthreats and hardware failures.


No matter the industry or size of the company, every business needs to be able to recover from any disaster that stops normal operations. Without a viable recovery plan, companies can face data loss, lost productivity, and reputational damage that leads to lost customers.

The best disaster recovery solutions have high reliability and provide businesses with peace of mind that their data is protected in the event of a disruption. For example, a cloud-based disaster recovery solution provides a seamless process to transfer workloads from physical servers to virtual ones in another location, providing businesses with the ability to restore operations within an hour or less.

Disaster recovery is a process that should be continually tested and improved. This is because IT systems are not static. New elements are added, old ones upgraded and even applications replaced since the disaster recovery plan was created. This is where a vendor that offers DR as a service can save the day by summoning a team of experts on demand to perform the necessary steps to get back online in minutes or less.


When selecting a disaster recovery solution, consider its flexibility to match your business’s needs. This is especially important for MSPs who manage multiple clients. For instance, some companies prefer to backup data to their own premises and save it in a local storage device for faster recoveries. Others prefer to leverage cloud-based DR solutions to ensure the integrity of data across locations.

These solutions often enable organizations to perform tests and recovery procedures without disrupting production environments. They also feature scalable infrastructure and flexible DR policies, reducing upfront costs and operational expenses.

For example, TierPoint offers a cloud disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) platform that integrates replication, cloud, and virtualization technologies. Its DRaaS platform enables customers to deploy their infrastructure and databases to an OCI region with just one click, providing them with short recovery times and cost savings. It also allows them to scale their DRaaS environment with minimal effort. Its multi-tenant architecture eliminates the need for dedicated management and conversion servers.


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