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Health and Safety Awareness Course

Health and Safety Awareness Course

Health and safety training is important because it can help prevent accidents in the workplace. It can also increase productivity by improving worker morale and efficiency.

Ensure workers understand their rights and responsibilities, including the Occupational Safety and Health Act and its provisions for worker-reported incidents. Train workers on techniques for identifying hazards, such as job hazard analysis.

Maintaining health and safety in the workplace is both a legal requirement and brings financial benefits from a happier, healthier staff with reduced absenteeism. This course aims to give staff an understanding of the basic principles of working safely.

This online course provides workers with information about their rights and responsibilities in the workplace, common workplace hazards and ways to work safely. It also helps them understand how their employers and supervisors can help keep them safe.

Once the course content has been completed the online assessment will automatically unlock. The assessment consists of 20 multiple choice questions and is marked instantly. If you fail the assessment you can retake it unlimited times at no extra cost.
Health and Safety Legislation

The law places a legal responsibility on all those who are employed, self-employed or in control of work premises to ensure they and others are not exposed to any risk of harm. Workers need to be given clear instructions, information and training.

Employers must also consider the risks to their employees and report accidents or dangerous incidents as required by RIDDOR. Workers must take all reasonable precautions to avoid exposing themselves to risks such as bloodborne pathogens. They also need to cooperate with any health and safety representatives and follow their instructions.
Identifying Hazards

Identifying hazards is one of the main components of effective health and safety management. Hazards are anything on the jobsite that can put workers at risk of harm, injury or illness. They may be physical, such as heavy machinery, sharp objects or toxic fumes or dusts. Or they can be chemical, such as flammable substances or radiation.

To identify hazards, carry out inspections on a regular basis. Also consult with workers to find out what risks they see on the jobsite. This can help you address recurring issues that might be related to poor workplace practice, such as RIDDOR statistics.
Controlling Hazards

As well as identifying hazards, staff need to know how to avoid them. This is best done through implementing the hierarchy of hazard control. This starts with physically removing the hazard and ends with wearing personal protective equipment.

Prioritize the most serious hazards and work on them first. However, don’t overlook problems that could be easily and immediately fixed. Also, avoid selecting controls that may directly or indirectly introduce new hazards (e.g. exhausting contaminated air into occupied spaces or using hearing protection that interferes with backup alarms).

Involving workers in hazard identification and control is a good way to build awareness and responsibility for health and safety. This can help prevent accidents and injuries and improve overall working conditions.
Working at Height

Falls from height are one of the most common causes of serious workplace injuries. It’s important to understand how to work safely at height, as well as the rules and regulations that apply.

Working at height can include anything from shelf stacking to cleaning high windows. It’s not just about being above ground level, though – even a fall from a lower height can be very dangerous.

Safety measures must be in place to protect those who work at height, and they should be re-assessed regularly. It’s vital that all workers follow the rules, as complacency can lead to severe and fatal injuries.
Working in Confined Spaces

Working in enclosed spaces such as tanks, pits, chimneys, silos, underground sewers and tunnels can be extremely hazardous. It is essential that workers understand the risks involved in these types of working environments.

These types of work spaces can contain a range of hazards including flammable gases or vapors, reduced oxygen levels, harmful fumes or stored materials that could collapse and crush or engulf a worker.

These hazards can all be controlled by implementing proper safety procedures and training. This includes using an entrance permit system, conducting atmospheric monitoring and having emergency protocols in place.
Working with Noise

Working with loud noises is a common part of many jobs, whether it be construction equipment or a factory conveyor belt. This online course focuses on working safely with hazardous noise and raises awareness of regulations and precautions put in place to benefit health and safety.

The course starts by looking at how hearing works and how temporary and permanent damage can occur due to excessive noise exposure. It then teaches participants how to conduct a risk assessment and the importance of taking action based on the results of this. It also explains lower and upper action values, PPE and how to carry out health surveillance.health and safety awareness course


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