Home General How to Choose an Industrial Air Purifier

How to Choose an Industrial Air Purifier

How to Choose an Industrial Air Purifier

When you choose an industrial air purifier, you should look for one that can target multiple pollutants. That means a carbon filter for dangerous chemical odors and a particle filter to eliminate dust and smoke.

Source capture systems are best for capturing the pollutants at their source. These include hoods, downdraft tables and enclosures.
Cleaner Air

Keeping clean air is critical to health and safety, and industrial air purifiers can help. They refresh stale air and eliminate types of harmful pollutants by circulating it with strong air throw methods. This reduces odors and eliminates smoke, fumes, and other chemicals.

If you are someone with immune system-crippling conditions like asthma, COPD or emphysema or mild allergies, an industrial air purifier may be more appropriate than a home-ready model. They typically have a higher CADR which allows them to filter more air per hour.

Depending on the application, you can find both ambient and portable (source capture) models. By type, the industrial air cleaners market is categorized into molecular and particulate. It is further segmented into end-user industries and regions. The metal processing industry accounted for the largest share in 2019 as it releases the most dangerous pollutants into the air. Other industries include food & beverage processing and wood working. This category of air purifiers also includes ozone free bipolar ionizer which reduces allergens like pollen, pet dander, mold spores and bacteria as well as disinfects surfaces.
Reduced Asthma Symptoms

An industrial air purifier with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter can help reduce asthma symptoms. These filters can capture up to 99.7 percent of particles 0.3 microns or smaller, which includes most allergens like animal dander, dust mite debris, mold and pollen. They also capture some volatile organic compounds and some gaseous pollutants, such as ozone and tobacco smoke.

Allergies can cause symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes. These can disturb your sleep and lead to a lack of productivity during the day. Fortunately, an industrial air purifier with a HEPA filter can help you get a better night’s sleep by eliminating the allergens that trigger your allergies.

An air purifier can also remove odours, such as those from a wood-burning stove or cigarette smoke. These odours can cause irritation and make it difficult to breathe. The odour-eating filter of an industrial air purifier can significantly reduce these odours in your home.
Reduced Dust

Industrial air purifiers use a series of filters to pull indoor air into the unit. As the air passes through these filters, it traps particles and other pollutants before releasing clean air back into the room.

This helps reduce the risk of respiratory irritation for those who suffer from asthma, COPD or severe allergies. It also eliminates lingering odors and chemical fumes from paints, adhesives and formaldehyde that can trigger immune system-crippling conditions like asthma and emphysema.

The global industrial air purifiers market is driven by the rising demand for keeping healthy and safe working environments in enclosed industrial spaces. These spaces include metal fabrication, food processing and wood working industries. Employees spend 40 hours a week in these enclosed spaces, and they inhale smoke, vapors, airborne dust particles and other chemicals from their operations. This has direct impact on their health, and hence the need for industrial air purifiers.
Better Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a concern in many commercial spaces. This is because indoor pollutants, including bacterial and nonbacterial particles, viruses, molds, and dangerous chemicals such as volatile organic compounds can be harmful to employees and customers alike.

The use of an industrial air purifier can help to improve IAQ by reducing these toxic contaminants. This is because filtration technologies such as HEPA and activated carbon can remove these substances from the air to prevent them from being breathed in by staff and customers.

An industrial air purifier can also help reduce the presence of harmful odors. This is because ozone free bipolar ionizers can remove airborne contaminants like pet dander, dust mites, and mold spores as well as neutralizing chemical odors. This will create a more comfortable working environment for everyone inside of the space. It will also prevent lingering odors that can cause headaches, sore throats, nasal congestion, and sinus infections. These symptoms can lead to a decrease in productivity, which is why many businesses are turning towards IAQ solutions to make their workplaces healthier for employees and customers.


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